Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Traveling in Audio Space # 6 -- Almost Done. No Fooling!

When we started this task to record an audiobook of my novel Traveling in Space,
I thought it would take us a year. After all, Peter Lonsdale, my co-producer, editor, and recording engineer, 

was only available on the weekends as he was spending his weekdays as a film editor for Disney and Dreamworks and places like that. And Jeff Cannata

who would perform the novel, is a very busy actor and host of several internet shows on the wonderful world of all things fun in science fiction, video games, fantasy, TV and movies. And I was busy doing something -- I think. I’m not sure because that was almost TWO years ago.

But, no one had given us a deadline, and we were like kids putting on a show, so we wanted to have fun doing it, and we wanted to get it right.  And the more senior members of our little crew had to take some time off to aid some starving surgeons who needed the extra work.

But be all that as it may -- here we are, about ready to finish up the audiobook, send the digital 0s and 1s off to Dave Doody, my publisher at Blüroof Press, 

who will then send those 0s and 1s off to Amazon’s Audible.com.

We will officially launch the audiobook at BayCon 2014, being held in Santa Clara, California over the Memorial Day weekend. 

Jeff Cannata and Me

will be doing a presentation ay BayCon 2014 about our collaboration, which I think has been rather unique.

The audiobook of Traveling in Space is not a corporate product, handled by well seasoned work-for-hire pros with maybe input from the author, maybe not. And it’s not a new indie, freelance work-for-hire product many self-publishers and indie-publishers are producing these days for a market that is growing in size and listenership. We like to think our audiobook has been handcrafted by people who were all invested in it, not just as a product and as an adjunct to the print publication of the book -- but as an artistic endeavor that we believe can stand alone.

Of course, it will be up to listeners to tell us if we are correct or not. And we eagerly await their response.


Please visit my other blogs on the making of the audiobook edition of Traveling in Space:

Traveling in Audio Space # 1

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